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Schematic Design Underway for the 700 Block of Laurel Street and Harrington Park


Design-engineering (i.e. "shovel ready") drawings are underway for the first phase of downtown improvements. This initial phase, "Phase 1: 700 Block of Laurel Street and Harrington Park", is broken into two subparts. Phase 1A includes Harrington Park, and Phase 1B includes the full span of the 700 block of Laurel Street.  This project is expected to break ground in November 2025, with construction of Phase 1A Harrington Park . Constructing improvements to the 700 block of Laurel Street is underdetermined at this time and dependent on funding/financing.


Schematic designs are being developed with the San Carlos City Council over a series of meetings.  Everyone in the community is invited to attend and learn how the designs are evolving and hear responses from the City Council. The public is invited to participate and make comments.  See schedule below.


March 10, 2025 City Council Study Session
The City Council received a presentation and provided direction to staff on the paving materials, site furnishings, and planting character for improvements to the 700 Block of Laurel Street and Harrington Park. 


For meeting materials please visit Past Events.


April 7, 2025 Planning and Transportation Commission


April 28, 2025 City Council Study Session
The City Council will receive a presentation and provide direction to staff on the designs for the pavilion and water feature for improvements to the 700 Block of Laurel Street and Harrington Park. 


San Carlos Downtown Specific Plan + Streetscape Master Plan

In partnership with the San Carlos community, the City is creating a plan for Downtown San Carlos that meets the needs of the community and businesses, now and into the future. The Downtown Specific Plan and Streetscape Master Plan will build upon what’s best and most loved about Downtown San Carlos, and take a close look at what needs updating or changing. The plan's focus is Downtown San Carlos, which is defined as Laurel Street, El Camino Real, and the cross streets from Holly Street to Greenwood Avenue.


 The decisions we make collaboratively will shape Downtown San Carlos for years to come. The Downtown Specific Plan and Streetscape Master Plan are targeted for adoption in September 2025.


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