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Past Events

September 23, 2024 – City Council gives the go ahead on new street designs for downtown San Carlos


​​​​On September 23, 2024 the City Council directed City staff and consultant team to proceed with new street designs for downtown San Carlos. These designs will serve as an imprint and will influence the policies, standards, and specifications of the Downtown Specific Plan and Streetscape Master Plan as they continue to evolve. Eventually, they will be released for public review and ultimately considered by the Council for formal adoption in 2025.


Links to City Council Meeting Files:

Staff Report





Streetscape Survey

Downtown Streetscape Character Survey Results


​​​​The online survey for the Downtown Streetscape Character was conducted between August 1 and August 31, 2024. It provided an opportunity for community members and stakeholders to share their input on the look, feel, character of the downtown streets.  Thank you for those who participated in the survey.  Over 800 individuals shared their feedback.  City Staff shared the survey results to the the Council Members on the September 23 City Council Meeting, which they subsequently directed staff to proceed with new street designs for downtown San Carlos


Streetscape Survey  Summary can be found here


All Commissions Special Joint Meeting

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


City Staff and the consultant team from WRT and W-Trans gave a presentation on the refined street designs, shared the findings from the parking and traffic analyses,  and gathered input from the Downtown Advisory Committee, Economic Development & Advisory Commission, Parks, Recreatcion & Culture Commission, Planning and Transportation Commission, and the Youth Advisory Council.  The meeting was held in-person at the San Carlos Library, 2nd floor Community Room at 7pm.


All Commissions Special Joint Meeting September 3, 2024 Study Session Materials:


Video Recording:


Downtown Business Stakeholder Meeting 

Tuesday, August 28, 2024


The City staff and consulting team from WRT held a Downtown Businesses Stakeholder meeting on August 28th to share the findings from the parking and traffic analyses, to present the refined street designs and to gather input. To invite business owners, managers, and employees to the August 28 Business Stakeholder meeting,  City staff went door-to-door to all businesses within the Downtown Specific Plan area. The Downtown Business Stakeholder  meeting was hosted by Stamp Bar and Grill with 27 representatives from the business community in attendance.
Meeting material is provided below.






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WhatsApp Image 2024-08-29 at 4.06.33 PM.jpeg
All Commissions Special Joint Meeting
Bus Stk Meeting 8-28-24

DTAC’s Endorsed Street Designs Presented to the Planning and Transportation Commission and City Council – May, June 2024

Monday, May 20, 2024 and June 10, 2024


On March 19, 2024, the Downtown Advisory Committee (‘DTAC’) endorsed redesigning various streets in San Carlos’ downtown. City staff and the consultant team presented the DTAC’s recommendation to the Planning and Transportation Commission (‘PTC”) on May 20 and City Council on June 10.  The San Carlos community was invited to join virtually or in person to express support or share perspectives with City decision makers to advance these ideas. 


On May 20, the PTC provided staff with their input and on June 10, the City Council provided comments on the DTAC’s recommended street designs and directed city staff to proceed with parking and traffic analyses and to return to the Council that information. 


Links to files:



PTC+CC May-June 2024
PRCC Study Sessin

Parks, Recreation, and Culture Commission (PRCC) Study Session

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


City Staff and the consultant team from WRT gave a presentation on the Downtown Specific Plan streetscape design ideas to the PRCC for their input. This study session was held during the PRCC’s special meeting on February 13, 2024 in the Library second floor. 









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PRCC February 13, 2024 Study Session Materials:

Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) Study Session

Tuesday, March 13, 2024


City Staff and the consultant team from WRT gave a presentation on the Downtown Specific Plan streetscape design ideas to the YAC for their input. This study session was held during the YAC’s regular meeting on March 13, 2024 in Youth Center, Dance Studio. 


YAC March 13, 2024 Study Session Materials







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YAC Discussion 2.jpg

Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) Study Session

Tuesday, January 23, 2024


City Staff and the consultant team from WRT gave a presentation on the Downtown Specific Plan streetscape design ideas to the EDAC for their input. This study session was held during the EDAC’s regular scheduled meeting on January 23, 2024 in the Collaboration Room at City Hall. Members of the EDAC provided input and were asked by staff to submit responses to key questions.


EDAC’s January 23, 2024 study session materials included:

YAC Study Session
Ideation Workshop 12-6

Downtown Specific Plan Ideation Workshop (In-Person)

Saturday, December 9, 2023


On Saturday, December 9, an estimated 200 community members participated in the all-day City of San Carlos’ Downtown Ideation Workshop that was held at 677 Laurel Street, in the heart of downtown San Carlos. It was a huge step forward in making community connections about the future of downtown San Carlos.














Downtown Ideation Storefront, 677 Laurel Street, Suite C, December 9, 2023


City staff is extremely appreciative to receive this level of engagement from the community, who commented on:


  • Public Space Design (e.g. 600, 700, 800 Laurel, 1100 and 1200 San Carlos Avenue, El Camino Real, plus public plazas at Harrington Park and the temporary parking lot next to Blue Line Pizza and Paris Baguette)

  • Program Mix (activation and use of public spaces, amenities, etc.)

  • Circulation & Access (how we move about the downtown)


In addition to the exhibit and presentations, a light demonstration of wider sidewalks options for Laurel Street was displayed to help participants visualize what that could look like. This exhibit drew many passersby into the event, where they were greeted by city staff and the consultant team.












Wider Sidewalks Demonstration, Downtown Ideation Workshop, December 9, 2023










Participants Reviewing Exhibits, Downtown Ideation Workshop, December 9, 2023


Workshop Materials


Virtual Ideation Survey Summary

A total of 761 community members shared their reflections on the future of downtown San Carlos.  See survey results here.


What’s Next?

The DTAC will meet in March, 2024 to consider endorsing  preferred streetscape designs. Following input from the DTAC, city staff and the WRT consultant team will test these streetscape concepts using traffic and parking analyses and then ultimately share the results with the Planning and Transportation Commission and City Council in spring 2024.


During the remainder of 2024, the Specific Plan and accompanying Streetscape Master Plan will be prepared; with a goal for adoption during the first quarter of 2025.  In the meantime, stay tuned for more civic engagement opportunities in the coming year.













San Carlos Advance Planning Staff & WRT Consultant Team, Downtown Ideation Workshop, December 9, 2023


For questions or to get involved or learn more about the progress of the City of San Carlos Downtown Specific Plan Project, visit or email City staff at .


A good plan involves everyone!


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Downtown Specific Plan Ideation Workshop (Virtual)

Wednesday, December 6, 2023


The City staff and Consultant Team WRT held an Ideation Virtual Workshop on December 6 to discuss and consider new ideas that can transform our downtown. The community shared their inputs on Public Space Design (the future of Laurel Street), Program Mix, and Circulation and Access.


Meeting material is provided below.


Ideation Workshop 12-9-23
Ideation Survey
Downtown Businss Stakeholder Meeting

Downtown Business Stakeholder Meeting 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023


The City staff held a Downtown businesses stakeholder meeting on May 24th to have a meaningful dialogue with the downtown business community following the community’s support for, and the Council’s decision, to permanently close the 700 block of Laurel Street. To invite business owners, managers, and employees to the May 24 Business Focus Group meeting,  City staff went door-to-door to all 150 businesses within the Downtown Specific Plan area. The Downtown Business Focus Group meeting on May 24th was hosted by Stamp Bar and Grill with 23 representatives from the business community in attendance.


Meeting material is provided below.






DTSP - Status Update 4/17 & 24

Downtown Specific Plan – Status Update and Progress Report on 4/17 and 4/24, 2023 


How will downtown transform over the next 20 years?


The public was invited to learn and share comments on important milestones in preparing a community-based vision for the future of downtown San Carlos.  Presentations were given to the Planning and Transportation Commission on Monday, April 17 and to the City Council on Monday, April 24. Both meetings started at 7 pm and was held inside City Council Chambers at San Carlos City Hall, located at 600 Elm Street. 


The Downtown Specific Plan project kicked off in March 2022. Following two community-wide workshops, an open house, plus multiple meetings with a 18-member citizen-based committee, and gathering community feedback from two surveys, city staff is now ready to share what the community is saying and how they have responded to several foundational urban design concepts for downtown.  These concepts include Laurel Street closure, the purpose-function-improvements to alleys, design ideas for Harrington Park, and possibilities to create a new public plaza along the 600 block of Laurel Street.


The Planning and Transportation Commission and City Council provided city staff feedback, guidance, and direction on these fundamental components of the downtown area. Recommendations for additional design concepts for the 600 and 800 blocks of Laurel + roadways design for San Carlos Avenue and other roadways within the downtown area, plus parking strategies, will rely on these foundational concepts for downtown.  Additional community workshops and surveys will be offered in the coming months and will address these future items. The Downtown Specific Plan is targeted for completion by March 2024.


Links to files:

Community Survey 2

This online survey for the Downtown Specific Plan was conducted between March 1st and April 30, 2023. It provided an opportunity for community members and stakeholders who may have missed the February 15 community workshop and the March 4 Coffee and Comments Open House to provide their feedback to the City. The survey results will help the City staff and consultant team develop placemaking concepts for 700 block of Laurel Street, Harrington Park, alleyways, and a future plaza along the 600 block of Laurel Street.


Survey 2 Summary can be found here


Communit Survey 2

Coffee and Comments Open House

Saturday, March 4th, 2023


As a follow-up to the community workshop held on February 15, the City of San Carlos held a Coffee and Comments Open House at the San Carlos Library Community Room on Saturday, March 4, 2023.  Over 70 community members joined City staff for coffee and pastries and gave their feedback on preliminary concepts for the future of downtown San Carlos.  


​Lisa Porras, Planning Manager for the Advance Planning Division, gave two presentations, one at 10:15am and the second one at 11:15am.  The community members had an opportunity to ask staff questions, view the exhibits, share ideas, comments, and feedback on three preliminary concepts for downtown San Carlos. These included improvements to alleyways, the 700 Block of Laurel Street, Harrington Park, and a new plaza off the 600 Block of Laurel Street.


A summary from the open house is provided below.





Coffee and Comments Open House

Downtown Community Workshop #2

Wednesday, February 15th, 2023


The City of San Carlos held its second virtual community workshop on February 15, with a great turnout of approximately 70 community members who shared their ideas, perspectives, and preferences for the 700 block of Laurel Street, possibilities for new and improved plazas, parks and public gathering spaces, and big changes for alleyways.


During the presentation, attendees participated in an interactive exercise using a real-time polling tool called “” to respond to a series of questions posed by the project team. The full presentation slide deck, Q&A transcript, meeting recording, and polling results are available below. 


Links to files:​


Video Recording: 





Downtown Community Workshop #2

Downtown Community Workshop #1

Wednesday, August 31st, 2022


To those in attendance, thank you for joining the City of San Carlos’ First Community Workshop to discuss the Downtown Specific Plan on August 31, 2022. At this virtual community meeting, we had approximately 150 community members including City staff and consultants in attendance. The meeting began with a welcome from Mayor Sara McDowell and an introduction of the City staff and consulting team working on the Specific Plan project.


The workshop included a brief presentation on what the Downtown Specific Plan will cover, observations & objectives, and existing conditions of the study area. In addition, attendees participated in an interactive exercise using a real-time polling tool called “” to provide responses to a series of questions posed by the project team.  The meeting ended with optional break-out rooms where participants could share comments and ask questions. 


Links to files:​

Video Recording:


Downtown Community Workship #1
Community Survey

Community Survey 1

An interactive mapping survey was developed and provided to the public from August 8, 2022 to January 15, 2023. There were approximately 470 comments across five subject areas. This included mobility, streetscape, gathering spaces, allowable uses, and other topics.


Survey 1 Summary can be found here.


Stakeholder Focus Gp

Stakeholder Focus Groups Interviews

The City conducted a series of interviews in August, 2022 to learn about challenges and needs of specific stakeholders. The focus groups included: Infrastructure, Mobility, Seniors-Children-Special Needs, and Downtown Business and Events. For the Infrastructure group, the stakeholders included representatives from RethinkWaste, Cal Water, and Mid-Peninsula Water District.  For the Mobility group, the stakeholders included representatives from Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition, SamTrans,  Caltrans, San Carlos Bikes,  and Healthy Cities Tutoring. For the Senior-Children-Special Needs group, the stakeholders included representatives from Adult Community Center, Arbor Bay School and Art BIAS. For the Downtown Business and Events group,  the stakeholders included representatives from City Parks Department and Chamber of Commerce. The City will conduct more focus groups interviews in the future phases of the Downtown Specific Plan project.


Focus Group Notes can be found here.


9-23-24 CC Meeting
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